Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harry Potter and Preaching.

Ok so I'm going to see Harry Potter today by myself. I love going to the movies by myself. It always works out so well. I love being able to sit where ever I want and take up as much room as I want and leave when I want. I know it sounds pathetic but I really love it. When I want to see a movie I just go. I think going to the movies by yourself is a big step in your life. It's one that we should all take. It's not like grocery shopping or going to Target....or is it? If you can go to Target to get toilet paper on your own, can't you go to the movies on your own? I mean no one can see you in the movie theater! Hello no one even knows you're by yourself!! And who cares if they do? So you went to the movies by yourself big deal. You wanted to see this movie and you didn't feel like searching for someone else to go with you so you just went. I think that rocks!

I'm preaching this Sunday on the Good Samaritan and I'm pumped. I've had my sermon written for about a week now I taught a class about it last night it went really well. I'm excited. It's going to be great!

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